2024 Hays Hill Country EIC Cup

Air Rifle: 3x20 (KPS)

21 - 23 Nov 2024

Buda, TX

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Individual - Sporter

Rank Participant Kneeling Prone Standing Individual
1 MARTINEZ, VIVIANA 189 - 5 196 - 13 181 - 7 566 - 25
2 HARGROVE, SHILOH 190 - 11 195 - 12 179 - 0 564 - 23
3 GUERRERO, GABRIEL 190 - 9 198 - 13 169 - 3 557 - 25
4 PADILLA, SOPHIA 187 - 6 194 - 12 171 - 3 552 - 21
5 WILLINGHAM, BLAKE 175 - 4 189 - 6 168 - 2 532 - 12
6 JOHNSON, ISABELLA 180 - 2 188 - 6 157 - 1 525 - 9
7 CARTER, JACOB 177 - 3 189 - 7 149 - 0 515 - 10
8 CARRASCO, SAM 172 - 3 190 - 7 151 - 0 513 - 10

Individual - Precision

Rank Participant Kneeling Prone Standing Individual
1 ALLEN, VIOLA 196 - 14 200 - 17 198 - 16 594 - 47
2 WELLS, KENNEDY 198 - 14 200 - 18 193 - 10 591 - 42
3 PRICE, CAYLYNN 196 - 8 196 - 11 190 - 8 582 - 27
4 ERWIN, ETHAN 190 - 8 198 - 17 189 - 7 577 - 32
5 TURNER, MATAYA 192 - 8 198 - 14 187 - 7 577 - 29
6 AGUILAR, MONTANA 197 - 14 191 - 16 185 - 6 573 - 36
7 PEAY, KATIE 193 - 11 196 - 14 184 - 8 573 - 33
8 SERMARINI, RENEE 188 - 8 197 - 11 184 - 5 569 - 24

Team - Sporter

Rank Participant Kneeling Prone Standing Team
1 Jack C. Hays Chickmunks 741 - 19 763 - 35 651 - 11 2155 - 65
2 Jack C. Hays Doe-geez 721 - 27 768 - 35 657 - 6 2146 - 68
3 Montgomery 1 619 - 9 705 - 14 570 - 5 1894 - 28
4 Falcon A 633 - 7 724 - 17 526 - 1 1883 - 25
5 Mongomery 2 598 - 8 667 - 5 510 - 5 1775 - 18
6 Hendrickson 2 561 - 2 641 - 8 504 - 3 1706 - 13
7 Hendrickson 1 579 - 2 649 - 7 473 - 3 1701 - 12
8 Jack C. Hays Individuals 333 - 3 351 - 10 259 - 5 943 - 18

Team - Precision

Rank Participant Kneeling Prone Standing Team
1 Granbury Purple 780 - 44 794 - 63 770 - 41 2344 - 148
2 Granbury Gold 762 - 33 785 - 51 734 - 18 2281 - 102
3 Granbury Indiv 373 - 12 384 - 23 358 - 7 1115 - 42
4 Precision Indiv Aguilar 197 - 14 191 - 16 185 - 6 573 - 36
5 Precision Indiv Peay 193 - 11 196 - 14 184 - 8 573 - 33
6 Precision Indiv Smith 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0

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Complete Results

Individual Results

Team Results