Team Information

Location: Bushnell, FL

NJROTC Unit, South Sumter HS (Raiders)

4H Florida, Sumter County Shooters

Contact Information

Head Coach: LCDR Charlie Jacobs

Phone Number: (352)793-3131

LCDR Charlie Jacobs

SHCS Victor Martinez

NJROTC Unit, South Sumter High School

706 North Main Street

Bushnell, FL 33513=5114

(352) 793-3131

(352) 793-2992 Fax

Range Information

Thirty-two firing points indoor portable air rifle range for competitions in school cafetorium. Five point indoor portable air rifle range in gym lobby for practices when not in conflict with other school activities. Six-teen Point outdoor air rifle range for practices at football stadium when gym not available. Practices every Wednesday and Thursday from 3:45 to 5:30 PM.